Gianna Guzzo, apprentice dancer

Gianna Guzzo, apprentice dancer

Gianna Guzzo is a NYC-based dance artist. She began her professional career touring as an assistant with Revel Dance Convention. Gianna graduated summa cum laude with dual degrees in dance and economics from Hofstra University in May of 2024. At Hofstra, she performed works by Doug Varone, Larry Keigwin, Liz Gerring, Robin Becker, Max Stone, Janis Brenner, and Maiya Redding. During this time, Gianna attended the Ailey School's Professional Division Summer Intensive and was awarded a full scholarship to the Business and Economics Exchange Programme at the University of Amsterdam where she would dance at the Henny Jurriëns Studio. Gianna has since performed professionally with Forces of Nature Dance Theatre, Keigwin & Company, and iKADA Contemporary Dance Company at venues such as the Apollo Theater and NJPAC. She continues her dance training at the Taylor School as a scholarship recipient.

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